Voile for me
I like to tell people "if your shovel breaks, your friend is going to die, so buy the best damn shovel you can." If your buddy cheaps out on a shovel, barrow him yours, and you carry his...
I read a shovel review a few years ago, it was pretty scary. Independent study done in Europe, I posted a link to it on here somewhere. They broke almost all the shovels tested except the Voile T6 telepro. Some shovels stayed together for one pit, some didn't make it long enough for one pit. I would like to see a similar review with the current models since that review is now dated, but I really hope there have been improvements.
As for a probe, I will be buying carbon next but I have a Black Diamond (Guide?), IIRC its 300cm and aluminum. Thankfully I've never needed it, just for checking jump landings or checking HS.
The large blade shovels sound great, but you can easily over load the handles and snap them. A short handle shovel is nice to pack, but sucks for any digging. I'm a fan of D handles, more control. Telescoping handles are a requirement IMO.
That $20 shovel (don't care if its aluminum or plastic) at the local giant store, yea sure its good for leaving in the truck, but has NO place in the backcountry
Avy debris sets up HARD and FAST. Hone your snowpack evaluation & terrain reading skills so you never have to switch that beacon to SEARCH mode. "Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain" by Jill & Bruce Fredston is a very good read. I'm sure that book has saved countless lives, might take a slow reader 10-12 hours to get through. But its your LIFE we're talking here, need to know what out there is trying to take that from you.
Not trying to rant, just my suggestions.