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Seriously...who steals a sled off a military base?

Mar 7, 2009
Brand new to Alaska, just moved up here for an assignment in the Air Force. I heard great things about the sledding around here, so I went out and bought an 02 skidoo and couldn't wait to get it out on the trail. I'm living in the hotel on base until I can find a place of my own, so I parked it on my trailer in a lot on Elmendorf AFB with a few other snowmachines. A few days ago, it was stolen. I never even had a chance to ride it once! It was kind of shocking, considering I always felt that military members, and even the contracters on base, hold themselves to a certain standard that would rule out grand theft. Plus I didn't think for a second anyone would be dumb enough to steal anything on a military installation, considering the hefty punishment given out compared to off base. Either way it's gone, so just a heads up to all you military members out there.

I've still got the magnetic key, so I'm not sure how they'll even be able to ride it. If anyone does spot a red/yellow skidoo summit 700 with a black 12"x12" panel on the left of the cowling (as a result of a blown belt), a missing speedometer/odometer, and a "ride ak" sticker near the windshield out on the trails, by all means I could use the help. Although realistically, I'm sure it's gone for good.
Nov 23, 2001
Sterling, AK
I'm really sorry to hear that for ya man! I know a few other stolen sleds have been recovered this year, I hope you are as fortunate. I'll keep an eye out in the Eagle River/Peters Creek area for sure!


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Hey Dude,
I spent 8 years in the Airforce, 4 of which were at Elmendorf. I can not begin to tell you of all the theft I've seen happen on base. Not just Elmendorf, but others as well. Worse than living off base. I sure hope you get your led back. Did they take the trailer as well or just the sled. It is common for the thieves these days to hook on to a 4 place enclose and just take the whole works! Chain your stuff up. You are not "safe" anywhere sorry to say. :beer;
Dec 8, 2007
East Side A-Town
AirForce @ elmo here also, where are you working out of?

Have you checked or filed with the SP's...if its stolen on base they are liable to a certain degree I do believe. The nazi housing police will ticket and impound or take sleds, 4 wheelers etc that are parked in unauthorized areas.

Although I have seen cars broken into at one point at the fighter squadron parking lots at night, definitely whoever did it has a large sack.

Was the trailer and sled taken or just sled? I would get with the SP's.....


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Have you checked or filed with the SP's...if its stolen on base they are liable to a certain degree I do believe. The nazi housing police will ticket and impound or take sleds, 4 wheelers etc that are parked in unauthorized areas.

Good point nojoke....I forgot about that. with alittle luck they are sitting in the sp's impound lot. They used to be real quick to do that.


Jan 11, 2009
just a little peice of advice, you should also go to all the skidoo dealers and give them your info since that jacka$$ cant do $hit with the sled unless he goes to a dealer and gets a key programmed, and maybe if there cool or not about it they can do somthing.
Ya thats a good idea. My cousin works at AMDS His name is Ed and work in the shop there he would surely let you know if someone came in looking for a key. But if anyone has ever lost their keys after rolling down a hill it can be bypassed. Good thought though. Good luck

Winter Project

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
Anchorage / Gwood
Welcome to AK, sorry to hear about your sled. I was active duty on elmendorf for 3 years, and i'm originally from eagle river. I keep my sled in the garage and keep it insured. Had someone break into the enclosed last season and steal gas in middle of the night. No sleds in there luckily. With that said I know it will be difficult to give this place a fair chance considering, but its not bad - you will see. Again, welcome.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
AirForce @ elmo here also, where are you working out of?

Have you checked or filed with the SP's...if its stolen on base they are liable to a certain degree I do believe. The nazi housing police will ticket and impound or take sleds, 4 wheelers etc that are parked in unauthorized areas.

Although I have seen cars broken into at one point at the fighter squadron parking lots at night, definitely whoever did it has a large sack.

Was the trailer and sled taken or just sled? I would get with the SP's.....

no kidding big set to mess around in those lots(we do fencing out there )..we get checked every time by the sp's...

ak m8

New member
Dec 3, 2007
Chugiak, AK
Really sorry to hear that. I had mine stolen and recovered this year in Eage River. They did 2300 dollars in damage. It is better that it happened on base than downtown. APD will not do Chit! I work on Elmendorf and know quite a few people that ride. I will keep my ears and eyes open. Where exactly did you have it parked?
Last edited:
Dec 4, 2007
****'s weak man, I really don't care for thieves. I wouldn't quite say I trust the military over regular folks. Anyways always keep your stuff locked up. I hope you had insurance on it? I have a 01 800 ZX HMX i'll sell ya
Jan 23, 2009
Been up for 17 years, retired Air Force from Elmendorf and I have seen/heard of more stuff stolen on base than I can ever imagine. I don't know what it is about Elmendorf but stuff gets stolen on there every single day. I know people who had there stuff stolen off the lemon lot on numerous occasions. One guy, I know had his machine chained to the fence and came back to find both his ski's still chained to the fence and the rest of the machine gone. Boggles my mind.

I am sorry to here about your loss, snowmobiler's are a tight group up here and all seem to look out for one another.

Case in point, my wife was involved in a fatality car accident down on the Kenai peninsula about 12 years ago while our trailer she was towing got away from her and an oncoming car hit it. The machines on the back were completely destroyed and in hundreds of pieces. I went down and picked up the remains after the accident. While sitting in our driveway in Chugiak somebody stole all the bits and pieces of both machines. I posted a similar post like you did and about 6 months later I received a e-mail from a guy who spotted a machine that matched my description. I went to the location where he had described and sure enough it was both the machines. I called APD and we went and recovered both machines. I actually made out like a bandit as they thieves had completely rebuilt both machines and didn't bother to change a thing including the hot pink accessories my wife had used to deck out her machine.

Long story short, there is hope. Good luck and I will for certain be on the look out for your gear. I have often wanted to do the same for somebody else that was once done for me.
Mar 7, 2009
Thanks for all the replies, good info all around. I'm really surprised by the amount of crime around base. Believe it or not, they actually took the sled only, and left the trailer (so it could've been worse). I filed a report on Thursday with the SP's, who unfortunately haven't seen it. I'll have to get on the phone and see if the dealerships have made a new key for it recently. And no, I didn't even think to insure it, but I definitely will insure both the trailer and any future sleds from now on!
Jan 6, 2008
Cal City
Legal Office

i belive you can file a claim at the Legal Office

i have had stuff stolen(not on Elmendorf) on-base also, usually dependent children once had a $100 tach stolen out of my car but left $800 worth of Archery equipment setting on my back seat


Well-known member
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Mar 12, 2009
Eagle River, Ak
If you have any pics of your sled, post them up. I work on base and ride quite a bit and will keep my eyes peeled for your sled. By the way, welcome to Alaska!!
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