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Senator Max Baucus' Biden moment re: his Health Care Bill

Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Here are a few "teaser" sentences to pique your interest. The whole article is only a couple of paragraphs. For those who don't know, our Montana Senator Baucus (Dem) is one of the main dudes in the health care reform issue. He's the Senate Finance Committee Chairman (and he ignores his conservative constituents, voted for every bailout/budget increase in the OA, etc.)

"Baucus told Director Elmendorf he has a moral duty to be “creative” so that CBO can deliver favorable budget estimates...While the Senator almost certainly did not intend to leave the impression he was dictating to CBO, his remarks could be interpreted by some as suggesting the CBO cook the books to get the results necessary to pass legislation. To do so would not only kill health care reform, but it would destroy CBO’s reputation and usefulness. With Baucus’ words hanging in the air, to preserve the CBO’s effectiveness Director Elmendorf must now be doubly careful not to appear to lean toward those results Senator Baucus might find favorable."

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Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
IT's time to bring back those orange and black "Ban Baucus" stickers.
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