The bailout is a complete fiasco. It was predictable. You have the same bad actors and gov. bureacrats that were running the show while we got into this mess now trying to get us out.
I called and wrote my state's congressional delegation and pleaded with them not to vote for it...the 2 democrats voted no, the republican senator voted yes...unbelievable! Of course the 2 dems were up for re-election and the bailout was waaay unpopular in SD. Hard to believe a Republican president presided over and pushed for this turd sandwich! I tell you, the Libertarian party is the only one that makes sense anymore, the 2 major parties are screwing us and this country at an astounding pace. The libertarian's acronym for the bailout was BOMB: Bush, Obama, McCain, Bailout...they all wanted it and it bombed all right.
With the $700 billion bailout of the folks who created the mess and now the proposed $850 billion stimulus we are seeking to avoid hard choices and responsibility. Instead we are passing it off onto our children and grandchildren. Kick the can down the road to the next generation who aren't old enough to vote us out of office and don't have a say. It's morally wrong and it borders on criminal in my view.