My secondary is not backshifting. As soon as the primary grabs the belt and moves the sled ahead about 2 feet, it pulls the secondary open and the belt slides down between the sheaves. I took it apart, pulled the spring, seems fine, not broken, replaced the nylon sliders just in case, cleaned all parts, re-assembled with about 15lbs preload and it still does it. Track is loose and nothing seems to be binding, I'm able to turn it by hand fairly easily. I changed the spring and the pins in the primary when it first began to do it, so I put the stock ones back in, and it still does it so I know its the secondary. Seems like it just wants to shift out as soon as it has any load on it. On the track stand, runs ok and seems to backshift OK, as soon as I stand on the running boards and get some weight, just pulls it down. Seems like it needs more preload but the spring scale says otherwise, but I am able to push the helix into the clutch sheave with my thumbs. Secondary has always been the part that I know least about, am going to pick up another one today hopefully, and try it out just to make sure that it is the 2ndary, but wanted to see if you guys had any opinions on what it could be. Maybe just worn out? Doesn't seem to have a lot of play in it (just by hand). I'm going to fully rebuild this one if I can get a working replacement so I will have a spare.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for any help.