Are you kidding man? If the seat belt laws had anything to do with public perception or exposure then the legislators would have put it up for public vote. How do you think that vote would go based on current public perception and exposure? They chose seatbelts because the enforcement (troopers, deputies, officers, etc) was already out there and not generating enough revenue to subsidize their existance. Seat belt violations were a "gimme" and nothing more.
I wasn't arguing that authorities weren't truely concerned about safety because they didn't regulate other safety risks, in fact, I stated "How many troopers would write educational seat belt tickets to non wearers if there was no money involved. How many would take the time to pull you over, step out into the elements and traffic to try and save your life with a seat belt reminder if there was no fine/money involved." I think this is a true test of their true concerns and intentions. I feel that if there was no money involved and just voluntary concern for motorists safety was the only incentive, you would never see any law enforcement pulling anyone over for not wearing a seat belt just so they could educate the public they are paid to serve.
I have no doubt that all law enforcement personnel knew that seat belts save lives prior to it being a fine generating citation. How many people, before it was law, got pulled over for not wearing one just so the officer could bolster public perception and a bunch of other factors as you put it. Did legislators propose doing this for free as a public service or just jump right into a revenue generating fine situation. Think about that for just a minute, did any law enforcement care about people wearing seat belts before there was a fine attached? You and I both know the answer to that one, and if one of us doesn't then one of us is no doubt asinine.
Good debate though, I enjoy having it. EW