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Salazar trying to ram more wilderness down everyone's throat


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO

Desolation Canyon, part of which is in southern Uintah County, is one of 18 Bureau of Land Management areas newly suggested for wilderness consideration by Congress.

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar published his preliminary list of BLM lands in nine states that he would like to be designated as wilderness.

"From President Theodore Roosevelt's bold steps to establish national parks, wildlife refuges and forests to President Obama signing the 2009 Public Lands bill into law in his first days in office, America has a proud bipartisan tradition of protecting the backcountry that matters most to hunters, fishermen, and our families," Salazar said.

The Wilderness Study Area for Desolation Canyon also includes Carbon and Grand counties, and according to the BLM Grand County supports the designation.

Carbon or Uintah county were not available for comment at press time.

Although Salazar, and Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes and BLM Director Bob Abbey, who both came up with the list based on input from Congress, state and county officials, tribes, and other interested parties, are hopeful about the project, Utah’s Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) are concerned about it.

“I am deeply disappointed that Interior Secretary Salazar continues to be tone deaf about public lands issues in Utah,” Matheson said. “As our success in Washington County shows, wilderness proposals must be the result of a grassroots, stakeholder-driven process, rather than a top-down decree. This is not the way to make progress on public lands decisions and it only ensures that we won’t see a successful outcome on the ground here.”

Hatch said determining and designating wilderness is the job of Congress and he takes this “responsibility seriously.”

“I am in constant contact with the communities across the state who have a stake in wilderness designations,” Hatch said. “This is a process that is very difficult and it doesn’t help to have unsolicited input coming from the administration. Any change in the designation of Utah lands should be made through a collaborative process with those closest to the lands. I don’t believe the administration wants to hear that most Utahns aren’t interested in any more restrictive land-use designations. Utahns deserve better than this.”

In Utah the BLM currently manages: 23 million acres of land, 18 wilderness areas, and three BLM national conservation areas.

Two other backcountry areas in Utah under consideration for wilderness designation include Mill Creek Canyon in southeast Utah and Westwater Canyon located northeast of Moab.

The designation of wilderness areas come from Congress and, according to the Department of the Interior, the listing is tailored to specific landscapes and often protect a wide-range of traditional and local uses.

Salazar said he is “hopeful that these areas can help form a strong foundation for a bipartisan conservation agenda for this Congress."

Great, so the local BLM idiots decide what needs to be wilderness and what doesn't.

I am so sick of this crap. This has NOTHING to do with protecting or conserving anything, this is horse **** to get Obama's super-rich foreign donors giving them more money.

God I hope that jackass gets thrown out of office.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Jordan, Utah
The Irony in it all is that SUWA is ticked off that Salazar is using existing wilderness study areas to designate as wilderness, SUWA already considers those areas theirs I mean wilderness and they think this is a waste of time when there are many more "possible" wilderness areas out there to be taken......Obviously these guys are nothing short of spoiled rotten kids at the toy store, so ironic.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
The Irony in it all is that SUWA is ticked off that Salazar is using existing wilderness study areas to designate as wilderness, SUWA already considers those areas theirs I mean wilderness and they think this is a waste of time when there are many more "possible" wilderness areas out there to be taken......Obviously these guys are nothing short of spoiled rotten kids at the toy store, so ironic.

I am just praying obama gets thrown out of office.

If that jackass doesn't he's going to turn over as much public land to foreign billionairs as he possibly can.


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Nov 26, 2007
North Utah
Hey Dogmeat,

I had to laugh my A$$ of last time I was in Vernal. Every car had an anti Obama sticker in the window. Even a Grandma! LOL:face-icon-small-coo

I get out there about five of six times a year.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
Hey Dogmeat,

I had to laugh my A$$ of last time I was in Vernal. Every car had an anti Obama sticker in the window. Even a Grandma! LOL:face-icon-small-coo

I get out there about five of six times a year.

Yeah, he isn't too popular around here and for damned good reason.


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Jul 5, 2001
Riverton, Utah
Take a deep breath guys... Deso and West Water are already fully managed as Wilderness. Designating them as such would have no material affect on them other than allow more money to be poured in to their management which wouldn't be a bad thing.

No, I'm not a Wilderness supporter, in fact I'm anti-Wilderness, but throwing out the idea for every piece of land mentioned is an over-reaction.

Flame suit on...



Well-known member
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Nov 21, 2007
Salt Lake City
Take a deep breath guys... Deso and West Water are already fully managed as Wilderness. Designating them as such would have no material affect on them other than allow more money to be poured in to their management which wouldn't be a bad thing.

No, I'm not a Wilderness supporter, in fact I'm anti-Wilderness, but throwing out the idea for every piece of land mentioned is an over-reaction.

Flame suit on...


Thats not the point.

The point is that wilderness designations need to be from a local UP the chain to congress, not just picked by a guy in a chair in DC who doesnt care at all about local effect. These specific areas are not reachable by anything but foot or raft true, but let the local areas lock it down if they want to. Luckily the Utah congressmen are on top of this and fighting it.

And for the record i believe there was riding areas on the chopping block in washington and Idaho with this bill... which was met with the same response by those states congressmen.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
Take a deep breath guys... Deso and West Water are already fully managed as Wilderness. Designating them as such would have no material affect on them other than allow more money to be poured in to their management which wouldn't be a bad thing.

No, I'm not a Wilderness supporter, in fact I'm anti-Wilderness, but throwing out the idea for every piece of land mentioned is an over-reaction.

Flame suit on...


Yeah, I didn't catch that when I first posted it, I didn't realize those places were already designed as "wilderness study areas" which yeah, is the same thing as it already being wilderness.

I guess the only good thing about this is they're proposing areas that are already effectively wilderness instead of new stuff.

That'll probably last 2 more weeks before salazar jams his own proposal through.


Well-known member
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Jul 5, 2001
Riverton, Utah
I agree phatty... but these areas are pushed by locals. Just not the locals we like and maybe not long term locals, but locals still the same. Some of the groups that are supporting this are from right here in Utah, founded and lead by long term Utah residents.

My point is only that unfortunately the term "Wilderness" has become so caustic that no one can even sit down and have a rational conversation about it. Personally, if declaring West Water as wilderness will afford it long term protection I'm all for it. I don't know about the other areas in the list, but for that particular one I'm all for it. I believe there are good reasons to have some areas declared as Wilderness.

But typically, when the term Wilderness is brought up people just get all defensive. Just another symptom of what has become a no give and take society, on both sides of the issue.



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Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
A symptom of no give and take? Those ****ing tree huggers have been doing nothing but taking for years! Taking from Jeepers, taking from snowmobilers, taking from anyone wanting motorized recreation. You're damn right we're defensive! At this point in the game, I'll never support any more wilderness unless they open up areas to compensate for lost land. That is as far as I'd be willing to give any more.
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
North Utah
A symptom of no give and take? Those ****ing tree huggers have been doing nothing but taking for years! Taking from Jeepers, taking from snowmobilers, taking from anyone wanting motorized recreation. You're damn right we're defensive! At this point in the game, I'll never support any more wilderness unless they open up areas to compensate for lost land. That is as far as I'd be willing to give any more.

Thats soooooooo true. I can't remember the last time new land was opened up to ride any motorized machines on!


Well-known member
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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
I agree phatty... but these areas are pushed by locals. Just not the locals we like and maybe not long term locals, but locals still the same. Some of the groups that are supporting this are from right here in Utah, founded and lead by long term Utah residents.

My point is only that unfortunately the term "Wilderness" has become so caustic that no one can even sit down and have a rational conversation about it. Personally, if declaring West Water as wilderness will afford it long term protection I'm all for it. I don't know about the other areas in the list, but for that particular one I'm all for it. I believe there are good reasons to have some areas declared as Wilderness.

But typically, when the term Wilderness is brought up people just get all defensive. Just another symptom of what has become a no give and take society, on both sides of the issue.


A group that gets %30 of their funding from the government by way of environmental lawsuits is NOT made up of locals, period.

EG, all 9 of the "known environmentalists" who live in Vernal do NOT quanitfy the "locals" in any way shape or form, but because they have the funding, they seem like they do.
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