I put a new air intake temp sensor in and helped my problem zero. There goes another hundo. I've been playing around with the exhaust springs, rode the sled with the springs in it, pink springs and no springs. None of them really seemed to be better than the other. It will still bog out around 6400 to 6500 unless you pinch it and then it will hit max rpm, and it won't get past the bog all the time doing that.
I've already put a new tps and pig tail on, I guess the next step is to replace the whole wiring harness. For some reason I don't think that will help either??? Everything I try seems to go nowhere with this darn problem.
Anyone have a wiring harness they want to part with?
I looked at my motor mounts which are the stock 06 mounts. I couldn't see from looking through the side braces and underneath the throttle bodies that they were broke or any damage to them, but maybe I don't know what to look for. Could I have bad mounts or broken mounts that could be throwing the timing off???