Upon the return from a very windy and icy trip we witnessed the roof trying to rip off of our trailer. So it became time to attack the issue. First was the survey of the damage and then a plan for repairs. Decided to remove outer trim and remove the roof sheeting. Upon inspection I found the obvious problem. The decking was approximately 3/4” to narrow to reach the edge of the trailer and sealer had just been pumped into the void section to attempt to seal it up. So at this point I did an assessment of the decking and decided to replace the entire thing. Next up was the hunt for new steel sheeting. This was a complete failure to locate. So at this point I chose to install a RV type one piece roof. With the help of two snowmobile buddies we got it glued down and rolled out nicely. Tested it out on our trip out west at it preformed perfectly. So if anyone is having issues with their roof and has the RV roof idea we installed it with ease and it works great!!!!!