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Road trip but WHERE to go


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Posted in general forum.

Default Road trip advice


California has had no snow to speak of this season. Enough around XMAS for a road ride and the massive storm this weekend is gonna be rain or snow levels above 8000 feet.

For the riding area I go we have had less than 3 days with a foot of snow this season !

Any advice for any place in Idaho , Utah or Colorado?

Last year did Stanley right after a 4 foot dumping and enjoyed it.

Just looking for a place to ride and a place to hang my wet gear to dry!

Bringing own sleds on a pickup rack.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 7, 2012
North shore Lake Tahoe
I got back from Missoula, MT about a week ago. Kinda far from Tahoe. About 900 miles one way. The Mts around the area have over 10ft base in the higher riding zones. Seeley Lake area had some deep pow with trees and pillows. Areas around Lolo pass were not as phat.
I'd go where there is fresh snow and dont settle for anything less. Or where you know a buddy to show you around. I had a killer group to lead me around and saw incredible country I would have never seen on my own. Def going back again. Montana/Idaho is $$$. Snowmobiling is a way of life up there. Good luck.
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