I finally am completing my 01 RMK 800 project that I started last winter. It was a 144 and I swapped out with the rear skid of a 151. When I removed the suspension from the 151 doner sled, I measured the distances on the mounting bolts. I had to change from the original holes on the rear brackets from where my 144 skid was mounted (about 2 inches rearward and an inch down from original 144 placement), but something doesn't seem quite right. The track is tight (maybe 1/2 inch sag when lifted off the ground) with the rear idler tention adjusters completly backed off. I did also add an SLP 2 wheel kit with 8" rear wheels durring this build. So my question is did I do something wrong with the rear skid install/placement or is this just because of the 8" rear wheels? Also is 1/4 to 1/2 inch of track sag too tight? I really dont wanna go out and rip a track in half on the first ride. I'm thinking if its just because of the big wheel kit, maybe going to a 153" track would be a good option??