All boost is NOT equal!
Boost is no more than a measure of backpressure!
air density, temp and CFM is where its at
take an M8T strap on a 2554 garrett, 2860, and a 3071, all other things being equal at the same boost level, HP output will be diffrent! If this WASNT the case than you would be able to run that same garrett 2554 on say a 15litre 550 hp cat 3406, or take that same 3406 turbo and bolt it to your M8... not gunna work!!!
The supers do take HP to drive, boost is linear, but also changes drastically with RPM and elevation changes due to it being a fixed RPM setup.
also when you try to limit boost on a super setup your air intake temps will rise dramatically since you have to bleed off or dump excess air pressure in the intake system, your compressor is spinning at say close to being out of its efficiency (say 10lbs for example) but you have a bypass valve dumping boost to 5lbs, this is no more than a "boost leak" with higher IAT's you are more prone to deto, so dont think without a reduction in compressor rpm will it be easier to run pump gas at higher levels lb for lb with a turbo!
Supers have their spot on the mtn without a doubt, they have their limitations (as do turbos) is all and they need to be understood for people to have an understanding of what they need to run well day in and day out!