Took the family to the snow cross Sat. The event was a blast, and we all really enjoyed it. I have an issue or two with the stadium though. We arrived about 45 min early thinking we would have plenty of time to get some beverages etc before heading to our seats. Needing to go to will call we walked to the ticket booths on the east side of the stadium. After walking back and forth through the huge lines trying to find the right line I went to a window and asked. I was told the will call booth is on the west side of the stadium. OK no problem, so we walked all the way around only to find more huge lines. As we were waiting there, numerous people were complaining that the will call lines were also being used to sell tickets. I walked up to the front of the line and sure enough, there's a guy looking at the seating chart trying to find the seats he wanted. It wasn't that he was in the wrong line either because it clearly said "will call/ticket sales" above the window. What in the hell were they thinking when they combined the two lines? What is the point of selling the tickets online if you are just going to make people stand in the same lines when they show up for the event. I guess the extra convenience fees charged on line were also just a for the hell of it because this situation was not convenient for anyone trying to claim their tickets. Next time we will have our tickets mailed before the event.