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Riding in the little belts--thread retired

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I was at the bottom of Weatherwax on the 12th. Way to many rocks and debris still showing to do any climbing on it. Windblown and icy. Haven't been there since but I bet it's still low on snow.
Snow was pretty good on Friday...I would rate it probably a 7 of 10. Weatherwax still had some grass sticking thru the snow on the bottom till about halfway up with lumps in the snow....bit you could see where somebody had gone up a couple times...top half looked good. I would be up there again today if I could....:beer;
The Boss and I went up today. -6 at home, +11 when we arrived at an empty parking lot at 10 a.m. Couldnt believe no diehards there. One outfit pulled in right behind us and when we came back for lunch there were 4 other rigs.
Went to Moose first, what stuff is there is bottomless powder. Kathy tried to do a slow roll behind the hill. (Two old farts shouldnt go out together.) Then out to Lone Tree. After lunch we ran up Powerline, broke trail to the Cliff and to Jefferson, It looked good and had a bunch of tracks on it. Snow shower rolled in as we left.
Back to town and -5! What is this chit?? It was nice at the Hill.


Had to ride!

We just couldn't stay home today. My son and I headed up about 11:00 this morning. Snow needs more!!! 1 to 2 more storms time to go! Weatherwax is climbable did it several times. Snow is great in the tree's. Wide open area's pay attention.
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Not Worth the Fine!!

I like to ride...It might be a good idea to respect the trail regulations. We dont need to give the tree huggers anymore reasons to close what trails and areas we do have left to ride in. I dont know about you I dont want to pay the 1000.00 dollar fine 30 days in jail and my sleds in the pokey. :face-icon-small-ton:beer;
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If YOU stay to the trails YOU will be ok. As for the 1000.00 dollar fine. I didn't know they had DNA on my tracks!!! I have be riding this area for over 30 years and will fight any ticket or fine presented. If they can catch me!!! Life is to short for rules. Anyway it gives the FWP or F/S a reason to drive up in a 3/4 ton truck with an enclosed trail with 1 sled in it. Tax dollars at work!

You make us all look bad. I can here it now, "You snowmobilers don't respect partial closures, it is all closed now." You sir, are foolish, in my opinion
XXL Yea and if I see him do it I will ...... you get my drift
This kinda stuff and then bragging about it makes us all look bad. If you have to do it keep your big mouth shut pretty simple advice.

It's not like the FS doesn't read these threads.
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No, unfortunately you are not alone, in my dealings with the pro closure types they love guys like you. Gives them more ammo to close the entire areas off. Why can't F.S. personnel log onto Snowest? They probably just use motion cameras in problem areas anyways. Heres to ya' respecting the boundries, if not, heres to ya' gettin' caught.
I can back up my BIG MOUTH! Can you? Watch the name calling. F/S can't log on to snowest forums. We have no voice when it comes to closing area's. They are going to close what they want. I guess I am the only that feels this way.

Your an idiot, and making all snowmobilers look bad, shut your mouth!!! Idiots like you speed up the closure process and cause the closing of that many more acres every year to people who abide by the rules! And if for some reason you feel the need to break the law don't tell us about it and give the greenies more ammo! :mad:
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I can back up my BIG MOUTH! Can you? Watch the name calling. F/S can't log on to snowest forums. We have no voice when it comes to closing area's. They are going to close what they want. I guess I am the only that feels this way.

This is how naive you are. Anyone can log into the forum and read the posts you have to join to post. Now how tuff is that. I never called you any names
but you can read between the lines if you want.
I can back up my BIG MOUTH! Can you? Watch the name calling. F/S can't log on to snowest forums. We have no voice when it comes to closing area's. They are going to close what they want. I guess I am the only that feels this way.

Wanna bet the FS isn't on here? I don't agree with the closures either, but don't get on here and run your big frickin mouth. I happen to have ticket writing authority and would write you one just for being stupid!
Well we have a crew headed up in the morning. Kinda a Christmas present to us. We are meeting at 10 for a bluebird day of ridding. Suppose to be 20 above and sun shine.
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