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Riding in the little belts--thread retired

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Leaving in about an hour for the hill. Should get another 50 miles in today. I will post pictures if I can get my camera to work this time.
Clouds were really low on the mountaintops this morning but by noon it was CAFB (Clear As a F---n Bell) and virtually no wind. What a Day we had! 50+ miles of fun, fun, fun.

The Gang:

Near Spur:

Gary playing bulldozer:(you had to know this would show up)

Fuzz south of Spur:

Kathy coming down Higgins bowl:
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Great Day

If we only had another foot of snow to cover those remaining land mines. As Fuzz said it was a bluebird day. Sun most of the day. Here are a couple pics I took

Joann Stuck First time I road with her and her hubby grteat people

Now we have Fuzz's better half

And Last this one for Hank see what you missed get that sled running as soon as it warms next week we are riding again
Gary looks like I really missed out, dang sled anyways, could you even see our tracks from last week, looks like quite a bit more than last week.
Hank, some of the places , like that climb on the power line, you could see a line. But for the most part about 4-6 inches of new stuff. Where Joann is stuck is about 50 feet from where I was stuck last week. Where I'm stuck is down that cannon about 200 yards or so. I'm over 100 miles now so time to turn the clickers up. I pulled that power line that you and Kyron climbed last week. Went to the top like batman on the bat mobile. She is close to breaking loose. Throttle becoming a lot more responsive.
Quote: Great Day


If we only had another foot of snow to cover those remaining land mines. As Fuzz said it was a bluebird day. Sun most of the day. Here are a couple pics I took

Joann Stuck First time I road with her and her hubby grteat people

We were wondering who got stuck...seen the rut it left along with all the packed powder. :eek: We went up Friday. Maybe we'll see up there next time. :face-icon-small-ton
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rode up to jefferson bowl, awesome snow, blue bird day, no one around,

unloaded it was 37 below, at 9;30 loaded up at 3 it was 18 below, good day,
some 2 ft in next to the trees,
I'm checking the temp in the morning and if its above zero I might give it a run. I need a thumb fix.
Sure havent got diddely from these "storms".
The high tomorrow is suppose to be -5. Mihght be warmer up there but Colette can't go tomorrow. Might go Sunday or wait till the first of the week when it warms up. My thumb need a fix also. Did you talk at XXL (Hank) he might want to go also.
Will definitely go next week. Its supposed to warm up as it goes along. Dont have Hanks number.
Yes Tuesday is looking real good. Even some sun. Will talk with my Brother andd see what he has planned. Then I can take him again maybe Friday.
Hey guys thanks for thinkin' of me, I'll be a little busy next week, so I won't be able to go before Christmas. I took the 09 out yesterday for a short ride in the Crazies, first pull the recoil won't go back in, dinked around with it for 1/2 an hour and get the sled started and go riding for a couple of hours and it works fine the rest of the day, was 10-15 below here today, I started it twice and it worked fine???????????????? They got the dpm deal workin' and she ran fine, 139 miles on her now. I still love the sled ,a little unhappy with BRP.
Went up yesterday (Friday) and had a great time. Snow was great, played in lots of powder. Had to look pretty hard to see previous tracks anywhere. Did see the groomer working...we played in Jefferson for about an hour of the time. Could not tell anyone had even been there before we got there. Was anywhere from 4" to 10" of what looked fresh from the last storm. Temp was -17 at 10:00 when we arrived and -15 at 3:30 when we left.:eek: Was a great day tho:beer;:beer;:D
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