Anyone have any suggestions of areas to ride with nice open rolly terrain for teaching the boys to jump and get some air time. Not looking for cornice or cliff drops, looking for natural table-tops that role off with long smooth gradual downhill landings. The kind you can start slow and progressively hit faster to jump further ( 10ft -> 50ft-ish .. but not have to be 20ft off the deck )
We ride at daniels, woodland and gaurdsmans, but havent really found a place yet like Ive described. Seems most of the setups we find are short jumps or hips with flatish landings, or they require a lot of work building the take off.
Thanks for any suggestions ... pics would be cool to if you have them
We ride at daniels, woodland and gaurdsmans, but havent really found a place yet like Ive described. Seems most of the setups we find are short jumps or hips with flatish landings, or they require a lot of work building the take off.
Thanks for any suggestions ... pics would be cool to if you have them
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