This is not even worth a reply, but I cannot help myself. Please only ride on the trail and hope that an avi does not occur there.
But they do and they occur in the backcountry were many of us ride. The danger of avalanches in the backcountry is always considerable to high. Training is so important and remembering and knowing that it can happen to you. Do not rely on others to make the judgement call for you, you are responsible for you. If you are not comfortable, speak up, if your friends go anyway, don't go or go and find some spot that is the safest you possibly can.
Olgeezer, how dare you post something like this on this thread.
Ok, now I get it. Olgeezer is not even a part of this community or someone who just wanted to ruin such an awesome thread. Dude, you make me sick. Go play with the liberals that do not know anything about the truth and real facts of life and believe Al Gore created the Internet and is the leader of the green world.
Ya, do not piss SnowXTC off.