Anyone on here have suggestions on what to start up for retirement investment?
I've been eyeballin the Roth IRA's for about four years now, and am ready to pull the trigger on one here shortly. But the question is, is this the smart idea?
I know some people decide to do the investing themselves instead of setting up an IRA, but that seems to me like a recipe for trouble if the markets you've been investing in decide to take a tumble. But, its all about calculated risk, no?
I've been eyeballin the Roth IRA's for about four years now, and am ready to pull the trigger on one here shortly. But the question is, is this the smart idea?
I know some people decide to do the investing themselves instead of setting up an IRA, but that seems to me like a recipe for trouble if the markets you've been investing in decide to take a tumble. But, its all about calculated risk, no?