I pull those nuts off of that speedo bearing then,
Loosen the rear axle and the track. Pull the two left side skid bolts. Tip the sled onto the left side. Take the chaincase cover off and pull the chain and sprockets. Suck the oil from the case and take the three nuts on the rightside bearing off. Take the last two skid bolts out and swing the skid out til it's loose enough to take out completely. Lift the axle up and out. Check the bearings and wash the chain and look for cracked links. Replace bearings if needed. Put track and axle back in the same way it was. Undue the skid torsion springs and install skid and the bolts for the right side. At this point I like to reach under the clutch side and put the speedo side bearing nuts back on before there's any track tension, as well as the ones in the chain case. Put your good chain and gears back on, grease and cover. Tip the sled back on the right side and put the other skid bolts in.
Put you springs back on with the lowest tension position. Tighten the track, put the clutch back on, if you took it off, It doesn't actually need to come completely off, just slid out. Put the belt on run the sled off the ground and align the track and tighten the rear axle. Owen