So, this is more of a hypothetical question, and I hope someone knowledgeable chimes in here, but what would it take to replace the gauge system with something like an iphone or ipod touch?
I look at my stack of old gadgets collecting dust, and thinking about the new polaris gauge, what would it take to make this work? Obviously the manufacturers all use proprietary parts so it'd be something incredibly custom - we're not talking about something that's going to be plug and play from the app store obviously, but with digital ecu's and stuff, it's all mostly going to be a matter of converting the signal to something that can be sent to usb and then to the device. Once the data is flowing to the unit, the app part in my mind would be easier. I know with modern cars, this is as easy as getting a bluetooth plugin for the OBDII port... are sleds and quads as standardized (I'm guessing no)?
From a technical feasibility standpoint, could it work?
I look at my stack of old gadgets collecting dust, and thinking about the new polaris gauge, what would it take to make this work? Obviously the manufacturers all use proprietary parts so it'd be something incredibly custom - we're not talking about something that's going to be plug and play from the app store obviously, but with digital ecu's and stuff, it's all mostly going to be a matter of converting the signal to something that can be sent to usb and then to the device. Once the data is flowing to the unit, the app part in my mind would be easier. I know with modern cars, this is as easy as getting a bluetooth plugin for the OBDII port... are sleds and quads as standardized (I'm guessing no)?
From a technical feasibility standpoint, could it work?