he doesnt want to spend too much more, thats for sure. he rebuilt the engine last year, just to have it fresh for the year, and the oiler cable promptly broke, so he bought a complete new one. had clutch rebuilt, due to cracked splines, and shop didnt put in new bushings, even though he asked for em. lasted about 20 minutes, and it went again. cost a stupid amount to get it fixed that time, they didnt go good for it at all. now its pooched again. he had new bushings and rollers in clutches last year, but it doesnt last. he does ride lots, and hard, but a bit ridiculous at this point. i really dont put any stock in the local doo shop at all. they dont stand behind their work, and let customers down lots. they just love selling replacement parts. any idea what woudl cause splines to crack that regularly? im not familiar with doo problems, have been too distracted with polaris' for last buncha years.