So to summarize
If you want to remove your track, doing it from the brake side may be easier. But you will either need the cat tool, BDX socket, or 4pt spanner socket to get the nut off. If you should be doing some maintenance on your DD and don't have the tools, may as well pull the DD.
If you don't find the trackshaft nut laying in the belly pan when you open up the brake side, you should assume it has been stamped onto the shaft.
If the stamped groove is too deep and you try to just spin the nut off may bugger up your shaft threads, so it is best to take a small chisel and try and tap out the stamped part of the nut some or cut it off.
The nut will self destruct somewhat when you spin it off so may be advisable to get a new one, but regardless, make sure what ever nut you put back on gets torqued to 120ft/lbs and stamped into the grove on the shaft or it will come off.
Speaking of snow is here and i need to get my track back on !!!!!!