Can't watch youtube on this computer, but I can answer your question.
There is a lot of uncertanty in this country.
People see what is happening in washington and it scares the heck out of most of em.
That is why bo's popularity has fallen faster and farther than any president in U.S. history.
Gun sales are at all time highs, ammo is selling faster than it can be put on shelves.
40% of this nation depends on the federal government for some part of their existance.
Since bo took office he has done the following.
Took over the banking industry.
Took over the auto industry.
trying to take over the medical industry.
Ran the deficit to over 1.42 TRILLION dollars.
Trying to invoke cap and trade.
trying to invoke amnesty to 20 million criminals.
has been involved in a world wide appoligy campaign.
Has set out to control the news we see and hear (fairness doctrin for tv, air and internet)
All of this is seen as a dramatic and rapid turn towards socialism. People are on edge and worried. They are either worried bo won't succeed or they are worried he will.
The country is teetering on the edge of open street fighting. I could see limited marshall law. By limited I mean they will clamp down on problem areas.
I have seen the reports of massive growth in militias around the nation. Malitias in areas and states they have never seen it before.
Militias the size of which have never been recorded before. The states and feds are worried about it. Some are down right scared.
I think if there was a waco today, that might be a trigger to get local militias moving. Once one militia activily gets involved to stop a state or federal abuse, then you will see it spread. It will take some trigger, something to get people from watching and worrying, to acting. What is that trigger, no clue.
If obamacare passes, cap and trade is ready to go and amnesty is already being drawn up. I think those three combined may very well do it.
We'll see.