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Recently Moved to St Anthony, Looking for some people to ride with in the surrounding areas.


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I recently moved from the east coast to St. Anthony, I purchased a Turbo RMK soon as I got here, but nobody to ride with. I'm down to ride ANY day of the week all season. rmk.jpg
Pm me, I'll be in for some riding next week if we get more snow. Otherwise, head up to the Warm Springs parking lot in Island Park around 9AM most any day, you'll usually find other riders willing to let you tag along. FYI the snows a little thin up there, big rocks, and some burn out areas with lots of stumps under that blanket...

BTW welcome to Idaho, now please forget anything you learned about politics back east.... keep Idaho, Idaho
I recently moved from the east coast to St. Anthony, I purchased a Turbo RMK soon as I got here, but nobody to ride with. I'm down to ride ANY day of the week all season.
What manner of rider are you Nick.?

Are you AVY Certified?
Do you have a full set of Mountain Safety Gear?
What manner of rider are you Nick.?

Are you AVY Certified?
Do you have a full set of Mountain Safety Gear?
Highest Elevation I've rode back on the east coast was 2300ft and we would average 240" snow fall annually, I would love to get into the back country. I haven't been Certified yet but definitely interested! Purchased a BCA, but haven't ordered a beacon yet.
I am taking out a small group from Utah for a intro to IP ride tomorrow.
You are welcome to join..
2 Adults, 2 older teens.
Just going to show them around the place and help them get a feel for IP
They are here to ride for the next few days.
Plan on being at Big Springs parking lot around 9:30am (ish)
Rolling out of Rigby at 8:00, with a 90 minute run to Big Springs.

Will take them on Black Canyon to play up top, then up and over Two Tops.
Depending on time might run them into West for a snack and then back to Big Springs by a different route.
Sorry I missed you yesterday
We will have to try again next week when there is another fresh round of snow to go destroy!!!
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