My son and I sno checked our 900's at the same time, everything that happened to one of them happened to the other in a very short order. The crank went out on my sons on April 14th 2006, myself and a friend pulled his sled out of Turtle to get back to the truck. We had friends in town and were commited to ride the next day, so I borrowed a sled from a friend. Wouldn't you know it, the crank on mine broke the very next day, on April 15th...... They both broke at the same place, at the PTO end. The sleds speedos were within a 100 miles of each other.
We also had broken exhaust valves at a later date, PTO side, within 100 miles of each other.
Beyond this, we have not had any further engine problems. My son sold his two years ago and is on a Turbo Nytro these days. I am still riding my old high miler,
We had all the usual teething problems like everyone did, TPS's, wiring, broken motor mounts and bolts, disovling fuel tank floats, belts belts belts.... We got all of that sorted out in time, 900 is very reliable these days, runs hard and strong, with no grief.
I suspect that we had some of the very early production models, as I have heard of other 900's that did'nt have the crank problems, and particularly, the primary clutch problems with the shift weights contacting the spider. Polaris quickly sent out new primarys that had wider spacing in the spider for the thicker 900 weights. I have not heard of this as a common problem for a lot of the 900's however, but it was very evident on ours, and Polaris did not waste anytime sending out new clutchs, I still have the originals under the bench.
As I mentioned on another thread, it is too bad that Polaris did not stick it out with 900, as once the teething problems were fixed, they really have been very good. I look around the mountains here and speculate what I would buy if I was to replace my 900 and nothing stands out. The XP Doo's had their share of grief, perhaps now they have it dialed, but there are so many of them around. The new M8 looks to be working, but not any particular amount better than my 900, ...and I just don't care for the feel of the Cats. Of course I could buy a D8, but then I would miss the torque of the 900 and the D8's seem to have piston problems...... For now I think I will just keep riding my 900!!!!