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Re-posted with permission Kapka Butte EIS

This was pulled off SledSpace forum. I felt it needed to get moved before they pulled it down for hurting someones feelings. Great comments!.

Kapka EIS Comment period running out

I certainly hope everyone has done their homework on the Kapka EIS situation and sent their comments in, we have only 2 weeks left.
I’m asking that you please DO NOT just listened to Oregon State Snowmobile Association or Central Oregon Snowbusters representative…
OSSA does a grand job on our trails but they need to STOP “trying” to represent snowmobilers in ALL other areas and stick to what they do best, trails.
In my opinion Kapka needs to be rejected “NO CHANGES” Kapka is another lower elevation snowpark that doesn’t solve any problems for early and late season snow enthusiasts.
The Forest Service isn’t even close to having all the funds in place required to build this snowpark. Even with all the controversy over the past several years there are still to many unknowns if we allow them to intimidate us into approving this snowpark.
The FACTS are out there, all you have to do is a little digging and just go to a few TUG meetings in Bend. However, I must warn you I stopped going to TUG meetings as OSSA and COSB reps and members get down right nasty if you aren’t on their side. I have never been around a more nasty, in your face, loud, “trying” to be intimidating bunch in my life, and the FS allows this in the meetings.
Snowmobilers need to stop being passive, take a more aggressive stance, stand up for what we want and need, no longer allow OSSA to represent us “settling” for what they think is best and the government to take away our playground!!!
Please step up check out the “facts” and send in your comments before it is to late

Thank you,

Lori W
Back Country Rider and working on Keeping it that way…
Trust me we have tried to communicate with OSSA. Last week at the Trail User Group meeting with the Forest Service John Spieger started screaming at me just because I said I called ODOT. What a moron. We asked the FS why they would allow this type of behavior at a meeting. Dumb looks is all we got.

These folks (OSSA) just have to realize there are two groups of snowmobilers in the world today. Trail riders and Back Country riders. They should represent both side or get the hell out of the business.

This is what happens when an organization is run by a group of 70+ year old folks who cant step down and let new blood take over. They did a great job in the past and still do on the trails but GET OUT OF THE LAND USE BUSINESS.
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