To All, 3-12-08
I just talked to Jim Graeber and he said that Robert is awake!!!! YEA He wants his snowmachine, he says he needs to go race!!!! He moved his left knee is all I know so far. Chris is trying to rest right now she is pretty exhausted.
Robert is off the respirator and breathing on his own, talking up a storm. He has 2 plates in his neck, vertebrae have been fused in his lower back with pins for support, the stint in his aorta is working great and he should see no adverse effects from it. He will have surgery in the next couple of days to change the “sponge” on his back, he will have to go through this process 2-3 times before they can begin doing skin grafts. Time is still needed to know for sure the extent of the injuries to his spinal cord, it was NOT severed but did get damaged.
The Robert Graeber Recovery Fund has been set up with Wells Fargo, PLEASE GO TO THE BRANCH CLOSEST TO YOU AND MAKE A DONATION! the account number #5282538577 and the routing number is 125200057. Please spread the word on this so we can get some $$$ raised to help Chris, Jim and Robert. John Woodbury, Coast Magazine, is going to put the bank account # for Wells Fargo in the April issue. And Tom Whitstine is working on getting a Pay Pal Account set up so people will be able to contribute via the internet world wide. Please pass this number on until we get it on the website, Thank You.
ARL, motocross, and AMMC are going to try to get a spaghetti feed and silent auction together soon. I will post the info as soon as I have it. If any other organizations would like to help with this just let me know. Roxann 345-2336 or 242-7830
For those of you who know Patti Balzarini ,FreeStyle Photo, she is donating all proceeds from picture sales in the month of March to the Graeber family. AMMC has a link to her website on our page.
Keep sending lots of prayers for the family.
Thank You