Okay, everyone STOP GRINDING!!!
You don't have to grind the stock clicker bolt. Do not remove it from the clutch or you risk losing the washer inside.
Here's the official fix procedure if your stock clicker bolt threads are too short or if you have a thicker than usual casting:
1.Put the stock locking nuts back on the clicker bolts.
2.Turn the nut in on the clicker bolt until you can almost turn the bolt head in it's pocket.
3.Using a 13 MM wrench, turn the bolt head to chamfer out the top of the pocket. In effect, this lets the bolt head clear the pocket sooner, thereby giving the Quick Clicker more threads to hold on to.
4.You can repeat this process to chamfer the pocket out as much as you wish so long as you leave 1/8 to 3/16" of the flats in the pocket for the head to index on.
5.Make sure there is still Red Loctite left in the Quick Clickers (otherwise you will need to apply more) and install them as per the instructions in the kit using only the T-handle wrench to tighten the set screws.
-This procedure will allow you to have as many as 6 or 7 full threads for the Quick Clickers to hold on to.
Thanks to all our customers...hope this helps! Have a great winter.