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Questions about beacons?


Premium Member
I have been sledding for years without a beacon, I know I know….. Anyway I have relocated to an area where there is high avalanche danger and am not planning any backcountry rides until I get a couple of beacons and become proficient with them. Being new to the beacon world I would love to know what y’all are using and what works! Looking for user friendly and durable products that everyone has had good luck with. Thank you.
They all seem to be durable, the newer ones have definitely gotten easier to use. I currently use Tracker II's and like them a lot but had Ortovox beacons before. They are all really good, you just need to make sure to practice and become very familiar with whichever one you chose. IIRC the Tracker III's are due out in Dec or Jan.
the biggest thing is make sure whetever one you get has 3 antennas. Cheaper models only have 1 or 2.
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I can get the BCA trackers for a substantial discount under MSRP. Shoot me a PM if interested or you can call me at 303-702-1600

I would go with the ORTOVOX 3+ or the S1+. The Tracker II is a decent unit but does not have the smart antanae technology, flagging capability, and is made in CHINA>.....
all those extra features just confuse people in a time of panic and it causes them to not use their beacon properly. I can tell you right now if you have more than one person under the snow and you are the only rescuer you are only going to have time to save one if you are lucky. Just think how long it is going to take to find the first person and dig them out. Do you really think you are going to rescue multiples by yourself? So why do you need those extra features?

I ride with a tracker 2 simple to use and was at the top in ratings at a class I just took
I ride with a tracker 2 simple to use and was at the top in ratings at a class I just took

Same here. Simple to use in a time of panic is much more important than a bunch of "extras" you will never use IMO.

all those extra features just confuse people in a time of panic and it causes them to not use their beacon properly. I can tell you right now if you have more than one person under the snow and you are the only rescuer you are only going to have time to save one if you are lucky. Just think how long it is going to take to find the first person and dig them out. Do you really think you are going to rescue multiples by yourself? So why do you need those extra features?


Obviously you are uneducated about the ORTOVOX products if you think "smart antanae" technology "just confuses people in time of panic." It has nothing to do with searching for someone, it has to do with the transmission range of the buried victim!
If a tracker II is buried straight up and down, your transmission range will decrease ~40 percent! Now if that was an ORTOVOX beacon, it would "sense" that you are buried verticle and will change the transmitting antanae to the horizontal antanae and will thus give you your full transmitting range so you are easier found. Choose what you want, but just make sure you are educated on the products you buy and choose wisely.

Oh, and as far as the multiple burial scenario, the ORTOVOX will seperate the signals and physically show you that you are receiving more than one signal so you can locate the FIRST victim the fastest!
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I have an ortovox and a Peeps~~ like them both and both are good units!!
You are right. When I was at the CO snow show I was asking questions at one of the dealer booths and the salesman there was telling me that the smart antenna features were used when you were in search mode not transmit. thanks for the heads up.
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