No, there is not a notch to line up for wide open, just idle. There should be a little nubbin sticking out on the arm that should line up with a notch, or line on the oil pump when the throttle is closed.
Notch on plate lines up with horizontal cast line on pump body. Center of notch should be even with line as per Polaris spec but Polaris spec is pretty lean on oil. I richened mine up so bottom of notch is even with casting mark. Still need to calculate consumption.
X2 on murph's explanation. I have mine in the same place - bottom of notch lines up with horizontal line on pump at idle. Mine is currently set 4 turns on the screw tighter than it came stock. Running about 40:1 right now on an average ride, it does use more oil when she's pinned in the deep. Just wish it was pinned more in the deep this year.
I turned mine 3 turns and now the line is in the center of the mark on the arm. I am a little worried as I did not get to ride this sled yet and I am heading out west in a week so I wanted to make sure it was turned up. Just don't want it to be to much now!! Hope I don't foul plugs.
I will be honest I took it apart last Friday night and we ended up spending the weekend in the hospital....... can you tell me if this plug should have something plugged in it??