Just gauging interest in these pipes, I'm not sure if I'm going to run these or sell them. If I do I'm going to have to make them quieter from the feedback I've gotten on them. What would they be worth? I have nozzles and needles for them.
Hands down, best Ultra pipe. They breath enough to mod up to an 800, but they are loud. That was one of the biggest issues riding my 800 Uktra, Noise got old.
On the other hand, there is not a better power sound than Modblasters roaring while ripping up a hill.
If I can get enough room in the belly pan I may try and squeeze in a small automotive muffler in there instead of the simple three down pipes tied into one at the outlet. I have to fit these in a Gen II chassis that I put the ultra motor into. Another snag with the pipes, but I don't mind a little fab work. The chassis was a twin chassis to start with and I had to do extensive mods to it to fit the 680 in it.
still got the pipes but I cut a very thin slice out of it to turn the pipe a little further away from the belly pan. Still going to look for a small muffler to try and dump the three into. I may just run right out the belly pan by the control rods like on some of the cats. Would be the easiest way to get the biggest muffler in there with the least amount of bends.