Installed my motor mount kit last night. It was easy, but I must say that I'm very dissapointed that I had to pay for this kit. The bolts are stronger and have a bigger head, obviously there is a problem. Which I did hear of bolts breaking last season. Now to the updated mounts, I have a hard time believing that the durometer is harder, they bend over just as easy as my old ones. They were also new, just replaced under warranty. Duh, why didn't they just put the update kit in to begin with. It looks like the only difference in the mounts is that the steel sleve is thinner so that the new bolt head will fit in it. My motor mounts starting getting loose around 800 miles and then I lost a pto bearing at just over 1000 miles. I wonder if the primary clutch could be out of balance? I also had trouble pulling rpm's on the hill with the same clutch setups with an identical sled, 200 rpms less. New motor(warranty), new mounts(update that I paid for), primary clutch? Somewhere there is a problem and I just want to get it figured out, I love riding this sled! I have also heard that polaris went to a different pto bearing and that the part number is the same. Supposably the race was to thin and cracking due to heat! Just looking for answers and don't want to miss out on any ridding this year.