I thought the survey was based more along the lines of what we want to see on a sled as far as regular features. No "problems" were in it, IMO.
That being said, here are some common problems that are the fault of the manufacturer, with no sled brand being noted. Although each problem will be obvious as to what sled brand it is. But they are being noted so as to avoid the childish bashing.
Shortcuts created to save weight, thus sacrificing reliability and amplifying customer dissatisfaction:
Integral parts being put together with glue or snaps in lieu of stronger and more reliable welds
Poorly thought out designs with drive systems. A 2 wheel belt drive is destined to fail. Why that was ever built and released is beyond me.
Creating a modular a-arm and then putting it together with epoxy is insane. Yeah, in a controlled environment it works. But throw in the way many people ride, where they ride, the temps, the humidity and the climate and again, destined to fail. And fail it did.
Different additives to create a lighter, cheaper alloy to make cranks. Why?? That cost to issue a recall and to replace every single crank that broke probably negated the initial savings that were made. Plus the added letdowns of having customers sitting at home on weekends because their brand new sled is in the warranty shop.
The creation of a hinged rear suspension bracket was brilliant, but the method of construction was lacking. One small weld on just on side? I got mine and welded another bead on the other side and repainted. Mine won't break unless I smack something very large and very hard.
Sacrificing reliability all in the name of weight savings is bad. No matter how you look at it. The big 3 (Cat, Doo and Poo) are all guilty, one and in the same of doing this. And then they pass the additional costs to the buyer. I am sure the profit margins have become bigger. But I think that the extremely quick price increase over the last 2-4 years is lunacy. The logic escapes other than they want to throw something out with some cool, fancy new bling in order to get people to run out and buy one is wrong. I know it's a business but face it, it's also a business to create something that will satisfy most every customers wants, needs and desires.