Now I am not sure what you are taking a pic of there? If you were messing with any of those screws between the throtle bodies, your not adjusting the pump. The pump is down on the block, below the throttle bodies, do a search and find a link here on how to do it properly. If you have a flash light, look through from the clutch side, looking at the bottom/back of the block of the motor. The pump and pump arm that is to be adjusted is right there. The fact that your sled runs better is more than likely due to the fact that you took most of the adjustment you made to the throttle bodies if you were messing with those screws in you pics. Having clean valves wont hurt either.
ok I got all turned around upside down and side ways with you photos, what I am trying to say more clearly is make sure you adjusted the arm that hooks to the pump, on the back of the block. Glad she rips now.
sorry for twisted and confusing pics but the one i adjusted was the one with the nut and bolt in the middle that you have to use a flathead to turn and its on the arm i checked and i also looked up a thread on here and i did the same one as everyone else so i hope it was right because otherwise id have no idea which one