get ahold of snowbigdeal on here..he can fix you right up..I carry the BCA trackers..they are great beacons for the money...and work very good..there is thread on her about a vid of a guy in an avy wearing a helmet cam..the guy who found him was using a BCA the is very good...
Get the one that you will practice with the most. As many have indicated, the BCA tracker is the most popular beacon on the market. It is very easy to use and relatively inexpensive. The Pieps DSP is also a great choice!
Make sure you get a good probe. Nothing shorter than 260cm and large diameter aluminum or carbon fiber (BCA, Black Diamond, Life-Link). The thin probes break in no time.
BCA beacon, easy use (practice) as far as probes go make sure that it has a cone on the end of each section which makes it much easier to deploy, basically a throw and pull the cord rather than having to assemble, seconds count.
Another vote for the BCA tracker. My probe is a Black Diamond, and all I can say is it looks like a good one (never had to use it yet and hope to keep it that way!)
I was just shopping for beacons yesterday. For the money $349 the BCA was what the salesman recommended. For more money the Pieps DPS was very nice but $499. Also for $499 was the Pulse Barryvox, also very nice. I'm going with the BCA. He also said not to cheap out on your probe. He was in on a rescue last year and he couldn't believe how many people's probes were breaking