Creating a list, please add or delete as you see fit:
Wash sled to remove all salt and dirt
wipe down
grease rear suspension and drive axle
top off oil
check chaincase oil
check chaincase tension
check track tension
remove airbox, upper portion only
start sled and fog out motor 1-2 mins
pull plugs and spray fogging oil in each cylinder
hand pull over a couple times
reinstall plugs
drain most of gas
dump in stabilizer
hook up +12 volt battery and run fuel pump to circulate fuel stabilizer
remove belt
WD40 the engine bay, shocks, and rear skid
throw on cover
push in corner on lift or raise rear and block front
Now I just have to do it, haha
P.S. - anyone figure out an easy how to fog the motor? I am going to suck it up (with a 6 pack, lol) and yank the upper air box off
Wash sled to remove all salt and dirt
wipe down
grease rear suspension and drive axle
top off oil
check chaincase oil
check chaincase tension
check track tension
remove airbox, upper portion only
start sled and fog out motor 1-2 mins
pull plugs and spray fogging oil in each cylinder
hand pull over a couple times
reinstall plugs
drain most of gas
dump in stabilizer
hook up +12 volt battery and run fuel pump to circulate fuel stabilizer
remove belt
WD40 the engine bay, shocks, and rear skid
throw on cover
push in corner on lift or raise rear and block front
Now I just have to do it, haha
P.S. - anyone figure out an easy how to fog the motor? I am going to suck it up (with a 6 pack, lol) and yank the upper air box off