Trying to find some answers regarding part numbers for Walker Evans IFS shocks. On a recent trip, one of our guests had a slight mishap on our 2012 Pro 600 damaging a control arm and shock. I was able to locate a new control arm but the shock was a bit more difficult. I was eventually able to locate a new one at a local rental shop. Upon installing, I noted it has a different model number than the factory installed shock. The existing was model number is 7043429. I also noted this is the same shocks installed on my 2012 800 Pro. The shock that I bought is model number 7043835. I noted this is the same shock as those on my wife's 2013 800 Pro. Is there a difference between the 3429 and the 3835? My concern is the now mixed set on my 600 and if it will cause any performance problems. Tia!