reading your post, I take it that your engine is running and in the sled. I also take it that you want to check the crank seals, center seal for vacuum leaks.
If this is correct, and easy way to check the seals is run the engine at normal operating temperature, use a propane torch (NOT BURNING) or staring fluid, and put the tip down by the suspected seal with the propane turned on. If you have a leaking seal it will suck in the propane or starting fluid and raise the engine RPM. You can do this checking any vacuum leak also on cars. This is a quick and easy way to check. The more elaborate way is use a hand pump and leak down gauge. By pumping air ( low pressure ) into crankcase and watching how long it takes to bleed down. This will check seals, gaskets, and rings. Engine has to be caped off at exhaust outlet and intake. The latter is the way engine shops will do it.