For those that may not be aware, Elmore County commissioners have decided that "for our safety" they will not be plowing from the dam at Anderson Ranch Reservoir into Fall Creek as well as from Boise to Prairie via Blacks Creek. I was not at the meeting but a friend was. From what I understand there is no overnight parking at the snoparks, of course there will not be parking at Fall Creek Lodge as there will be no access to it via vehicle. They also are refusing to plow from the dam to the launch so no parking there either. And riding sleds from Blacks Creek will be compromised because they are going to plow at a ranch between Boise and Prairie. I also empathize with the residents of both Prairie and Fall Creek as their businesses are going to take a major hit from tourism. The people I have met that live/work there are good people that are just trying to eek out a living while providing services to people in our sport. The subject was brought up to start their own highway district and was also shut down. When a friend asked if they could plow it themselves he was advised he would be cited. Just a friendly heads up if you care to be involved and for making plans when traveling to the area.