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Power Commander Turbo unit


Wrenching to ride is half the fun
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Anyone else on here running Dakota Performance PCV setup for secondary injectors and boost on M1000, just installed system last night and has a base map that Jeff put in it. Just looking for other insights into using and programming this unit. Looking forward to no adjustments once dialed.
I'm running Jeff's PCV set up on my M8. I just put the whole thing on and so far so good. It still needs a little tuning with the fuel trim but all and all I think it works good.
I'm running Jeff's PCV set up on my M8. I just put the whole thing on and so far so good. It still needs a little tuning with the fuel trim but all and all I think it works good.
Were you running a Dobeck box before? If so, how would you compare the two?
PCV Update

Been tuning the box on the mountain with my laptop and starting to see very positive results. First day out with Jeff's program it worked great full out but midrange was way too lean. Added accelerator pump and richened up midrange primary fuel and boost fuel, seems to be the ticket, still goes lean after a bunch of on/off throttle pumps (playing in trees btween 2-5lbs boost) but I figure on richening accel pump setting will cure this. Didn't get to try this as my riding partner squeaked his 09 RMK mag cylinder on the trail on way up and had to be towed out. Short day. Do like when AFR module is plugged into sensor it will adjust itself to hold 12.3 at 80-100% throttle at full boost. This setup is also no where near as sensitive to altitude change like a dobeck box. No more shutting sled off 3 times on way down mountain to reset for overrich condition. Our elevation changes from 2000 at truck to over 7000 at peak.
Once you get it set up you are gonna like it. I built a few last year with the PCV. I ran bigger injectors and had to pull fuel on the bottom the get them crisp, but once they are set, you don't have to mess with it. You can go in a 4 to 5,000 foot range of riding with no changes. Just plumb in a map switch that is richer or leaner for your other map and have it set up for the 2 and if you need more or less fuel flip the switch!

Good info Spoon.
connecting PCV to a turbo

I want to output a 0-5 volt signal from my boondocker boost controller to my power commander 5 on my m1000 so that I can try my Autotune out. Does anyone know what wires off the bd boost controller to use and which slot to plug them into the pcv?

Do I need anything out of jeff's kit that I dont already have? Anybody got the instructions from his kit?

I guess I can always just run autotune with the pcv installed and let the bd box give the extra boost fuel but I would rather do it all in one unit.
PC V Update

Changed my whole setup on sled. Put on 3076 turbo, changed clutching and geared it higher. Ran it yesterday with accel pump changes and WOW! Pulls as hard at 10lbs now as it did before at 13lbs. Throttle response on/off is better. Love turbos, geared it higher, clutched it heavier, pulls harder. Still playing a little with midrange fueling but runs very smooth and clean with PCV. Had to up fuel pressure a couple lbs to help with more airflow from bigger turbo.
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