Thanks everone. This is something I have thought about for quite some time. Big challange, sure, is it important, your darn right. Can I do it all, H#LL no. It take a lot of work from everyone that likes to ride and enjoys the sport. So you haven't heard the last of me, or Karen she can be focal at times also.
Dave Horwitz has done such a great job of orginizing SAWS, and everyone that I know has been so supportive in many different ways. Thanks to all, for your hard work, it has helped and is greatly appreciated.
I'm hoping to get my foot in the door of all of the Washington snowmobile clubs to help form a network of people of all kinds of riding. I plan on at the least introducing myself to all of the forest mangement people that I can. I would like to also set up a network of forest watchdogs, to use as a conduit to communicate to me, any activity that might be brewing in their areas, as well as to help in communicating to the snowmobilers in their area that need to know what types of changes are in work. Some watchgogs are in place, others would be appreciated.
It's a big job, but with the help of everyone we will fight to the end to save and preserve our riding areas.
If anyone would like to help in any way or have ideas that would help facilitate communication, or general awareness feel free to send me a note at anytime.
Thanks all.
Ok, back to your regular scheduled programing. Where's the snow.................