As we close another year, it is time for nominations for post of the year. I nominate the following post:
This wonderful post is from a member that has been on here for a whole 2 days, yet he has the insight on how Snowest has run in the past and KNOWS what has "been a long time coming". Would that be long time as yesterday or the day before? Truly brilliant ! ! !
Seems like there were only a couple mods in the past so you could get away with a lot more. Now with the additional mods people are being held accountable for what they post and the rules are actually being enforced. Its been a long time coming. Things will calm down.
This wonderful post is from a member that has been on here for a whole 2 days, yet he has the insight on how Snowest has run in the past and KNOWS what has "been a long time coming". Would that be long time as yesterday or the day before? Truly brilliant ! ! !