UPDATE: High Profile Arctic Cat Players Spotted in TRF
You may have noticed we’ve been quiet regarding the situation at Arctic Cat.

You may have noticed we’ve been quiet regarding the situation at Arctic Cat. Since our last release almost two months ago we’ve been monitoring the status of what appears to be a deal in progress. However, we do not want to get ahead of what’s really transpiring.
In our last writing we announced ARGO, makers of legendary 4, 6 and 8 wheeled Extreme Terrain Vehicles, ATVs and SXS, was definitely in play to ultimately acquire Arctic Cat. We haven’t said more than that reality – until today.
If you read our last release you heard ARGO’s CEO Brad Darling, the pre-Textron Vice President of Arctic Cat, was strongly rumored to be leading a purchase of Arctic Cat. Darling’s roots run deep in the snowmobile industry and he is well respected by everyone at Arctic Cat. We expect if Darling stick-handles a deal with Textron his team will have the best interests of the brand, the loyal legion of Arctic Cat owners and an anxious and proud dealer network.
So why are we reporting on this rumored acquisition of Arctic Cat by ARGO? Today, March 5th, Darling is in Thief River Falls, Minnesota with an important group of business leaders who appeared to be inspecting the TRF production facility.
To be completely clear, what we’ve reported here is true and accurate. However, it does not mean there will be a sale of Arctic Cat. We will go out on a limb and say this move today is extremely encouraging and appears to point to a deal that’s well on its way. Our contacts say this inspection of the TRF facilities by the team Darling is leading is a strong indication a deal could be as little as 60 days away.
Obviously, time is of the essence to finalize a deal and still offer a MY2026 new model lineup. From what we understand at this writing it is entirely possible this can happen, pending a successful sale.
This story is moving fast – real fast – and we will bring any new info to our valued readers and viewers as expeditiously as possible.
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