Just wanted to inform people of the issue with riding up Porcupine near Ymir/Salmo. Once again the Beaver Mountain Snowmobile Association has entered into an agreement to ride Porcupine (Darkwoods - now owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada). It isn't hidden info (on the BMSA site) but not well publicized either. I was contacted by a friend who was confronted by a member of the BMSA on Boxing day at Amilson lake. To ride the Darkwoods (NCC) area, you must be a member of BMSA and agree to the regulations set out to access that area.
I would prefer the BMSA put this information out to the public on the many snowmobile sites, but since that hasn't happened yet, I thought I'd put it out there to help the public avoid confrontations and being threatened with a tresspassing charge.
Brian, care to add to this?
I would prefer the BMSA put this information out to the public on the many snowmobile sites, but since that hasn't happened yet, I thought I'd put it out there to help the public avoid confrontations and being threatened with a tresspassing charge.
Brian, care to add to this?