This may be as simple as changing the gas and cleaning the plugs...but it's never happened before.
Got the sleds out of "summer storage" and they fired right up...but ran like azz. My RMK was popping, having power surges, and the lights all went out and back on was strange.
I only rode it about a mile from my summer storage spot to winter...and and it was on last years gas and after being fogged...but it still seemed strange.
It was -2F out, and feathering the choke on and off had no impact.
You think it was just bad gas and fouled plugs??

Got the sleds out of "summer storage" and they fired right up...but ran like azz. My RMK was popping, having power surges, and the lights all went out and back on was strange.
I only rode it about a mile from my summer storage spot to winter...and and it was on last years gas and after being fogged...but it still seemed strange.
It was -2F out, and feathering the choke on and off had no impact.
You think it was just bad gas and fouled plugs??