Slim, did you or your buddies find the Slydogs to feel "darty"? We ran them on the shop XP last year and found we had to go with close to 1" toe-out to help with the darting/"twitchy" feel. They were fine in deeper snow but I didn't like the twitchy feel in the heavier spring snow or hard snow. These were the wider version-
The Trail versions we run don't dart, I got the (6" I think) wide ones , as I recall there is a wider version. Havent tried them, but I would guess exactly as you say, probably "twitchy". Maybe its my set up, I run the XP/Rev's front shocks as firm as they will go and remove all sway bars, obviously not as good trail manners as Simmons and the sway bar connected, but I "setup" for off trail riding, and what it gives me on-trail is acceptable. And not to pizz on someone else's choice, I can't stand the heavy feeling and the difficulty of handling on Simmons. ( I have had 2 sets and ridden countless other sled with them)