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Polaris Skis Fit all Polaris? Polaris RXL

Feb 11, 2017
Seward, Alaska
Hi, I recently purchased a 1991 Polaris 650 RXL SKS, I was wondering if all Polaris skis are compatible with this sled because i am wanting to upgrade to plastic. Any other ideas on how to lighten this specific sled without investing too much would be great too, also its an old EFI so it has a battery even though its not an electric start.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 13, 2007
if the hood is the old fiberglass, you can put a newer plastic blend on and the nosecone (lighter). stay away from 97-98 domestic twin hoods those suck (brittle). take out the useless gauges and speedo cable and toss those in the garbage. i like to toss the whole headlight assembly. if you can do that without messing with the intake, bingo, next take the steel front hinges and mounting hardware off and re-locate those to the garbage can. find a lighter tie down method. i use edge hood straps frenched into the nosecone that stretch to a tab on the hood right where the stock hinges used to go. works great. just toss hood off to side easily when you need access, like all the new sleds.
remove swaybar unless you trail ride a lot.
look at your hyfax wear and see if theres some bogies you could do without.
love those RXLs!
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Active member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2007
I bolted a pair of Sidehiller 2 skis onto my 90 Indy 500 a few years back and worked well. I think the biggest limitation is the suspension as there aren't too many options left for the old Indy's. I know a few companies used to make some carbon fiber hoods and trailing arms back in the day. Those parts got to be available through forums, eBay, or Craigslist. Its cool to see others keeping the Indy chassis alive! Good luck.
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