I saw a 13 Pro with a broken driveshaft at 13 miles this weekend. Sort of an unlucky coincidence. On the other hand, I worked mine hard in deep snow and I am now over 60 miles without any problem. It is a manufacturing issue, not a design issue in my opinion. Some are working with turbos and big bores putting a lot more load on them than the stockers and they are holding up fine. My friend worked his 13 very hard including some big jumps with hard landings while on the throttle and his driveshaft is fine. Let your dealer put the Polaris clamp on for some peace of mind. However, I don't think that having the clamp on or not is going to matter for those driveshafts that were manufactured correctly to start with. My 13 is SO much better than my 11was. More power, better throttle response, better handling (front end geometry is slightly different, and you have to love that new seat.). Have fun!