This is the info regarding the closure
I called Lois a few times and got her message finally left her a message and she called me back within 10 minutes.
Background info...
Snowmobiles got brought into the travel plan as an extra. I got the sense from her ( she owns an ATV) that things might not be as bleak as we think.
The 3 public meetings she said were well attended by motorized users... ATV mainly. 30 in moscow, 60 in Orofino 70-80 in Kamiah.
Our conversation centered on the Kelly Creek Drainage or as you know the Great Burn. Initally she said that the 1987 Forest Plan made it proposed Wilderness and that in being CONSISTENT with Montana who close their portion recently they put it in the plan for Idaho to close as well. She said that Idaho use went way up because Montana closed and that people were then accessing Montana ( CLOSED AREAS) thru Idaho. Not alot of enforcement up there she said. Also for quiet zone and also for wildlife.
We talked about the area having 100+ inches of snow currently and that no wildlife is in that country during snowmobiling season. Also as far as quiet zones there are no non motorized users there either.
Regarding comments she said that Jan 11th was a "SOFT" deadline and that they would accept comments after that as well but try to get them in soon.
Here is the general timeline that we are on with the Travel Plan.
Right now is the scoping period for comments.
Draft of the EIS ( Environmental Impact Statement) should be out in late Summer 2008
Comment Period on the Draft EIS ( no public meetings)
Final EIS should be out Fall or early 2009
Then she said they usually dont but there is another 45 day comment period
Final Decison March of 2009
90 Days for APPEAL...
******VERY IMPORTANT****** See this later
Rule goes into effect for summer season of 2009
Here is the very important appeal rule.
If you made comments and are involved in the process and when the final decison is made only THOSE INVOLVED in the process are able to appeal it.
She said that comments turned in should be specific to a particular area and give reasons why you want access to remain her words were... the strongest comments are SITE SPECIFIC.
ALSO include your mailing address with your comments and they will mail out any DRAFT EIS, the final EIS and other info pertaining to the Travel Plan.
My indication was that if enough of us ASK for this area to remain open they will include it as an alternative ....she said there will only be 3 -5 Alternatives.
SO ONE last push get your comments in regarding the GREAT BURN area of the Clearwater Travel Plan. Be clear and specific as to what you want.
I want to be able to access the Great Burn ( Kelly Creek Drainage) for snowmobile use.
No wildlife uses that area in the winter.
I would be willing to have areas that we dont ride in non motorized
I made this comment to her and she said WOW I havent heard that one before but it makes sense
I pay the state of Idaho to ride off-trail in their state with the closing the Great burn area to riding I am paying to ride in an area that I cannot access. IE( that is why I buy the tag)
and any other great reason to keep the area open.
Travel plan and maps
TO email comments
Take the time to send and resend if this clarifies for you...