Arrived in Centenial Fri. Mar 2 and rode up through Tue Mar 6. Tue. am. we left green rock parking lot - then we took O north all the way to K . when we came to that medium sized hill down in the flat area we played there for a bit ( she took some pics there ) and then we kept going towards trail X ------ BUT , before we got to X we went through a tree in the trail that someone had cut a chunk out of just big enough to fit a sled through ( thanks btw ) and then we kept going down this mule trail - not really shure of this being the trail or not - we came to another tree laying across the trail that we drove over ( this is the spot it got lost - but please read on ) we kept going down the trail about 1 - 2 miles where we took a left ( we should have taken a right ) - but now without knowing we are actually making a circle seeing a trail sign here and there - we go about 6 -8 mi. ( guessing ) in kinda open areas then the trail goes into the trees where I need to go up ( right ) OR down ( left ) I went left - or down and almost imediately seeing the small dead tree that we drove over a little while before now this is where it gets F upped -knowing I screwed up we all 8 turned around almost on top of this dead tree - 2 getting stuck btw , my wife took a P just off the trail on the top side of this downed tree where the camera must have fallen out of her top bib pocket . Meanwhile myself and 3 others went back up the hill where we decided that we should not have turned around by that tree . Sooooo we turned around heading back down the hill past the dead tree to where we earlier took a left - this time taking a right - at that point I did see K trail signs and we were going down a much better part of the trail with the uphill being on my left side shortly after we reached X and headed back to green rock to head for home where she realizes the camera is lost ( was my daughters camera - now she is also mad as h3ii ) I hope that my directions can lead someone to a verry nice camera - and maybe even help get it back to home . THANKS FOR HELPING , pm me please or call me with any questions 1 (563) 380-0380 cell or house in eve. 1 (563) 382 - 4522 Also I would be more than happy to pay for any expenses of finding and returning camera Thanks again . CAMERA IS PINK and good luck .